Tuesday, 30 April 2013

Z is for the last letter of the alphabet

Z is the last letter of the alphabet and therefore the Challenge is now complete, at least for 2013.

How was it for me?  I enjoyed producing my posts and didn't find it too onerous.  What I really liked was reading the blogs of other challengers on a variety of topics; I learnt a lot.  Also I was thrilled to receive such lovely comments and new followers.

Would I do it again?  The jury's still out, but perhaps I would choose a theme.

How was it for you?


  1. Thanks for stopping by and commenting on my blog.
    AND a big congratulations for completing the A-Z challenge.

  2. Thank you for sharing the beautiful photos on your blog, and the interesting places. I've enjoyed visiting, and hope that you decide to do the A-Z Challenge again next year. Congratulations on this one, I'm looking forward to your next post.

  3. I've passed a Leibster award to you, the details are on my blog.

  4. So impressed you did the A-Z challenge! Way to go!


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