Monday, 8 April 2013

G is for Gardening

(Unfortunately my insert pictures thingy isn't working properly today)

I am passionate about my garden and those of others which are more likely to be larger and grander than my own. 


Being a member of a local gardening club means that I get the opportunity to hear interesting presentations on garden related matters and visit some superb gardens, not always open to the general public.


This is the third year that I have been a judge for Yorkshire in Bloom.  What a privilege it is to see the public and private spaces which have been transformed by hard work and vision.


I have season ticket for RHS Harlow Carr which completely changes according to the time of year.
  The walled  gardens of Burton Agnes Hall are another favourite; I have written about them here
We are also lucky to have four winning entries from the Chelsea Flower Show which have been reconstructed in our local park.


I have found gardeners to be very generous folk with their time, useful tips and cuttings.


  1. Such a talent! The only thing I can make grow is the beard which grows on my cheese if I leave it out of the refrigerator.

  2. I love a beautiful garden, but I must depend on plants that thrive on neglect.

    Repaying your visit from AtoZ.

  3. I'm a very keen gardener too. Writing and gardening combine quite well, I think.

    1. I agree, Patsy, and both writers and gardeners are the most encouraging and generous people I know, especially to beginners. Look at your bog, for example, letting us know of all the competitions out there.

  4. Hope your Daffodils flower soon.They are always worth waiting for.It has been a cold March though.Plants have a knack of catching up.People are worried thaat we will go from winter to summer with no spring!it did feel artic like before.
    I have been to Harlow Carr a few times and it is one of my favourite gardens.I love the woodland and Rhodies, and the Streamside garden with the Blue Himalayan Poppies,and firework like Candalabrum Primulas.
    Britain in bloom is a good thing to make communitys more proud of their environment.The standards are amazingly high.I am from Cheltenham originally, and they take it very seriously.The borough council has entered the Cosgrave Ball flower bed displays at the RHS Tatton Park flower show.
    I think gardening,and plants lend themselves to being written about.It connects people from different backgrounds, origins,and even countrys.

    1. In Bloom really does make a difference to communities, even if it is just keeping the litter down.

      I always enjoy reading your blog, as you get such pleasure from your garden.

      I am hopeful that my first daffy will open today.

  5. We have what I would call a large garden although my husband would like even more. He's garden obsessed and I enjoy sitting admiring it!

    Rosalind Adam is Writing in the Rain


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