Wednesday, 3 April 2013

C is for Caravan


We have a caravan at the seaside.  Some call it a static to distinguish it from a tourer which is pulled behind a vehicle.  Others call it a mobile home, although mobile it is not, and the pretentious call it a holiday home.  Caravans living has improved over the years what with central heating and double glazing.

For me, it is a haven.  While I was teaching, no marking or preparation for school ever passed through its doors.  However, it is enjoyable to write there.

It allows us to decorate using a nautical theme which would be classed as kitsch in any other setting.

We have our own beach which comes ever nearer as the coastal erosion worsens year on year.  There is neither bingo nor bar on the site, just a duck pond and a large field for playing games.

Four generations of us enjoy ourselves and nobody bats an eyelid when I stroll around in pink crocs and a sunhat which would not be out of place on Paddington Bear.

I feel my mood lighten as I approach it and I love to be lulled asleep at night to the sound of the sea.


What is the equivalent of your caravan?


  1. A caravan to North Americans is a trailer, but what you have is known as a mobile home over here. We had one in North Carolina for 12 years. Not any more sadly. Living back in Canada now.

    Thanks for visiting even if you didn't like my chihuahuas and clam chowder. LOL


  2. My grandpa was from Kansas, but he spent the entire summers going around the country, and even up to British Columbia in his motor home. It must be a nice way to travel, and see places. I have only ever flown long distances myself. It is nice to hear about your blog posts via the A to Z challenge.

  3. Love the word! I love the different meanings from one side of the pond to the other. Thanks for stopping by my blog today...good luck with the challenge!

  4. My caravan is my writing corner, where ever I make one. I get to put fingers to keyboard or pen to paper and create. We live in South Carolina in the US. So nice to have someone following my blog all the way from Yorkshire in Great Britain. Thanks.

    Mary Hill

    I also have a blog at

  5. It is my dream to have a caravan somewhere such as yours with no bingo or bar. Somewhere to escape to! It sounds wonderful. :-) x

  6. Sounds like the perfect retreat.

  7. What a great hideaway to have! We go touring in our towed van and I always wander around the campsites thinking how much I would love to have one of those "mobile homes that doesn't move" one of these days. I love the way people make them so individual with flowers, decorations etc; Great post.

  8. I used to have a caravan in the Lake District for many years. Not on a 'proper' site (just 5 vans in a farm field) and no mod cons, but it was a wonderful place to escape to!

  9. Pink crocs and a Paddington hat. LOL. The closest I have to something like that at the moment is going to visit my sister in France. She lives near some mountains and I find myself again and again wandering outside or close to a window just to look at them. I decided long ago as a far too pragmatic teenager that if I had to choose between mountains and sea (growing up in Dublin I was spoiled to have both always in the background), I'd choose mountains because who knew how long a seafront house would last before falling in. I really miss the sea and the mountains where I am now but hopefully the next few years will see me moving further south in Germany so that at least I get some mountains back again.


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