Friday 20 April 2018

Six on Saturday April 21

Obviously this isn't my garden.  The photos were taken at RHS Harlow Carr.
1.   The heathers have knitted together beautifully

 2.  This installation is called "Rhubarb crumble and custard".  Very Yorkshire

 3,  Vertical planting

 4.  The rhododendrons are out - lots of colours

 5.  This bug hotel with its living roof houses a water point and a bird box

 6.  The fragrance in this greenhouse was intoxicating
There's lots more Six on Saturday at The Propagator who hosts this thread.  Why not add six of your own or comment on what you see?

Sunk Island

The trip to Sunk Island, near Withernsea in East Yorkshire took us down winding roads so the approach to Sunk Island being a straight road l...