After our social enterprise, Yorkshire
MORE jams and chutneys , applied
for funding, the developers were so impressed with our products and ethos that
we were invited to visit this project.
James Rogers of Hammersons with our jams and chutneys on the table |
James Rogers of Hammersons plc, who
already own the Victoria Quarter in Leeds, gave eleven of Yorkshire MORE’s
regular volunteers a presentation of what was to come in the first of two phases
of this vast development which is due to open in Autumn 2016. There is the biggest John Lewis store outside
of London, a multi-storey car park, an ellipse shaped arcade housing shops,
cafes and restaurants, a casino with rooftop restaurant and public toilets. Victoria Gate will be connected to the
Victoria Quarter by a walkway.
We were then appropriately suited and
booted to visit the site. We were shown
round by the contractors, Sir Robert McAlpine, and were amazed by the logistics
of the project, the amount of scaffolding and concrete used and the
self-cleaning and bombproof glass.
The arcades which are paved with polished tiles imported from China |
To go on site, we had to wear hard hats, goggles, hi-vis jacketets, gloves and steel toed boots |
Top of the casino |
The structure with the diamond shapes is the John Lewis store |
Board of Directors for Yorkshire MORE |
I can’t wait for this shopping
experience. James requested sample of
our jams and chutneys to show John Lewis and the management of the Victoria
Quarter to see if we can sell our jam there.
Not bad for a dedicated team of volunteers and it follows on from a
successful weekend selling at the BBC Good Food Show at Harrogate.
Yorkshire MORE jams and chutneys. The process and profits help people with mental health issues |