Attended the pre-seder service for Reception class. All the children including Louis joined in all the songs. I was a proud grandma!
Ben, Emma and Freya arrive by train. Freya is walking and she finds the stairs fascinating. Her singing is far superior to most of that heard on
Britain's got Talent.
Ben is busy filming for Simon's production; he must have been sweltering in that hat in the hot weather. Emma has to literally fly off to Stockholm to find somewhere to live....... and finds a stunning home where I am sure they will be happy.
Had a lovely family Seder. We changed our traditional menu from salmon to fried fish, but it went down well (excuse the pun). The children joined in with the songs learnt from school.
Ellie's artwork |
our seder plate plus the ones made by the children |
Went to Shul with kids, who attended children's service, but I had to stay with them.
We packed a picnic sufficient for an army and went off to the caravan for the day to water plants, although it was cooler by the sea. Both kids rode their bikes all the way to the pond where we saw some cute baby ducklings. Returned too late for pilates and really feeling it. Missed 3 weeks now.
Went to Harrogate with Val and took our respective picnics, mine being pesadich. Went round the shops but bought very little.
Had a picnic at Langthorpe Loop and went for a walk between two waterways, the river and canal.
Sunday tidied up the back garden and lawn. It is so dry; we have had no rain for weeks. Had lunch outside;eating salmon cutlets and drinking wine. Sitting on the patio, reading a good book
The Beach Hut by Veronica Henry, which consists of 14 inter-related vignettes, each one named for a beach hut on the Everdene Sands. Under a blue sky in a warm breeze perfumed by lilac with blackbirds scurrying to and fro in the undergrowth and the only noise is the distant hum of lawn mowers, cars and music. air perfumed with lilac. Afternoon tea at Auntie Edith's with all the family; doesn't get much better than this.
Went to Shul and Pesach is soon over for another year. Next year in .....