Saturday 5 March 2022

Six on Saturday: “Spring is the time of plans and projects.” ― Leo Tolstoy, Anna Karenina.

Here are my SoS

My first two choices herald Spring for me:

Flowering Blackcurrant 

A pot of Bellis

The next two have given colour all winter so deserve a mention:



Some Ammi seedlings potted up - sown in October

I have searched near and far for Corydalis without success, so I was delighted when a member of our gardening group brought me this plant which he "found" in a field near his home.


The Propagator generously hosts Six on Saturday.  Click on the link to his blog to see what he and his followers are growing and doing in their gardens this week.  Perhaps you feel you could add your own six too.

Keep calm and garden on

Sunk Island

The trip to Sunk Island, near Withernsea in East Yorkshire took us down winding roads so the approach to Sunk Island being a straight road l...