Sunday 21 January 2018


Over the years I have had a bash at this without much success.  I’m not the hoarder portrayed in those television programmes, more that I have a “just in case” mentality.
Recently, however, I’m having a really good go at it and realise that you have to feel ready to succeed, no matter what all the self help articles say.

Since retiring I have reconfigured my wardrobe, pruned my total number of clothes and thought carefully before purchasing new pieces.  Now I can see at a glance what I have in the wardrobe, I wash and wear throughout the season and no one has ever remarked on how often I have worn a certain item.  Some of the clothes were not “quite right” on me or perhaps the life style I aspired to and they had to go to the charity shop and maybe they suit someone else better.  I haven’t been able to cull my collection of scarves and handbags yet.
At my age, I have accepted that there are some skills I will never master and some pending projects which will never come to fruition so that paraphernalia had to go.  Also I remember the heartbreak and guilt I went through when the stuff from decades from four children and nine grandchildren had to be cleared from our parents’ house.  I don’t want to leave that task to my children.   Also we found wedding presents which my parents never used and cutlery and crockery saved for special occasions.  I now don’t keep things for “best”.

One of the best decluttering tips I have picked up is from Marie Kondo, who advises that, rather than go cupboard by cupboard, go category by category.  For example I have/had categories such as toiletries, gardening stuff and stationery in more than one location.  Gathered together to declutter, I could see that I had many duplicates and items about which I had forgotten.

So, why do I not have more room in my cupboards?

Sunk Island

The trip to Sunk Island, near Withernsea in East Yorkshire took us down winding roads so the approach to Sunk Island being a straight road l...