Saturday, 6 April 2013

F is for Flower Arranging

I took up this hobby last year as a complete beginner.  Each month we are given a theme and each person interprets it to suit his or her space, therefore each piece of work is different. 

Kath, our time- served florist teacher, scores each display and, to my utter amazement, I won a silver cup for best newcomer.  I was over the moon to receive my first cup for anything at all and I am not at all what you would call artistic.

I find the process therapeutic and enjoy the company of the others in the class, none of whom take themselves too seriously.

 Foliage only

 Wild flowers for the Jubilee
The foliage in the garden (and those of my neighbours) are pruned to within an inch of their lives and I can’t pass a charity shop or car boot without finding a container which may house a display.

 Display in a handbag

 My interpretations of an icecream sundae

 Summer Medley

 Seasonal table display

Have a go!                                                                                                                              



  1. Oh they're lovely, well done. It must be a very relaxing hobby (and it helps your creative spirit)

  2. Lovely displays - congrats. I am absolutely hopeless at flower arranging!

  3. I like the ice cream sunday best! So pretty!

    Story Treasury

  4. Wow, beautiful. You're really talented. I've never tried it before.

  5. Looks to me as though you thoroughly deserve that cup - well done!

  6. I've always longed to be able to arrange flowers. These are lovely. Mine always look like they've been plonked down for a minute while I get on with something else!

    Rosalind Adam is Writing in the Rain

  7. That is so cool that you are giving yourself time to experiment with things that you have wanted to do! The flower arranging looks awesome.

  8. That is so cool that you are giving yourself time to experiment with things that you have wanted to do! The flower arranging looks awesome.

  9. Wish I knew how to do all this wonderful stuff!

    Co-host, A to Z Challenge 2013

    Twitter: @AprilA2Z
    Read more AZ blogs here

  10. You must be having a great time with flower arranging! Such a fun hobby and definitely a very skilled art as well...and it sounds like you found a bunch of fun people to do it with.
    Fun stuff, I'll be back! Just stopping by from the AtoZChallenge - thanks for visiting my blog, that's how I found you :)
    Twitter: @OneSquigglyLine


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