Tuesday, 30 April 2013

Z is for the last letter of the alphabet

Z is the last letter of the alphabet and therefore the Challenge is now complete, at least for 2013.

How was it for me?  I enjoyed producing my posts and didn't find it too onerous.  What I really liked was reading the blogs of other challengers on a variety of topics; I learnt a lot.  Also I was thrilled to receive such lovely comments and new followers.

Would I do it again?  The jury's still out, but perhaps I would choose a theme.

How was it for you?

Saturday, 27 April 2013

X marks the spot

Today's post is about where I live and includes a letter about my home town.

Dear Leeds

You provided a safe haven from the Pogroms in Eastern Europe for both sets of my grandparents.  Their brick built, back-to-back houses on cobbled roads, where the women had to raise the washing lines to allow my father’s car to pass, are no longer standing.   High rise homes and offices made out of steel, wood and glass have taken their place.  After more than a century, you are still receiving refugees from all persuasions and cultures with open arms.

I still reside within your boundaries.  Born over a shop in Chapeltown, I have ventured farther afield for work and study, to London and across the sea to France and Italy, but have been drawn back to your embrace each time.  Although the people I encountered may not have been familiar with where you were on a map, there was a time when the legend of your football team was   known by all.

I do not mourn the disappearance of your factories and mills and the resulting covering of grime, but dislike the loss of the small, individual shops to the likes of impersonal giants such as Tesco.   I welcome the regeneration of the dockside and the new skyscrapers such as Bridgewater, but roads are becoming gridlocked and I find the development projects of the city centre unco-ordinated.  Will we ever see the finished product?  

 I may object to the way you spend our council tax, but generally I feel you take a paternalistic attitude to all your citizens.  Your city parks do you credit; Roundhay, Temple Newsam and Golden Acre are excellent, green, recreational areas open to everyone.   The countryside is easily reached from your city limits and I also congratulate you on your notorious International Piano Competition, Music and Film Festivals.

 I feel sure you must be proud of your famous sons and daughters who made great contributions to literature,   drama, music, sport and commerce and you should wear your coat of arms with the golden owls with pride.

Wishing you continued success,

A Leodensian

 What would you say about yours?

Friday, 26 April 2013

Y is for Yorkshire East Coast Unofficial Guide

This website is a great, informal resource for information and reviews of East Yorkshire hosted by Charlotte and Ian.  You can check it out here.

I have written a few articles for the site myself.

 The village pond at Bishop Burton


The headland at Flamborough 

 Kilnwick Percy Hall

So, if you fancy a trip to East Yorkshire, have a look at this site for where to go, what to do and see and personal recommendations on where to eat.

Please contact the site if you have anything to add; Charlotte will be delighted to hear from you. 

W is for Writing

I have always been an avid reader.  Retiring after a long career as a high school teacher, I began to write in 2012.  I have had many short stories and travel articles published on line and on local radio. I also have a novel on the go.  I wonder if I will still be saying that next year! 

I have found the writing fraternity, like the gardening fraternity, generous to a fault with their encouragement and advice.

The  Write1Sub1 challenge has been a great motivator.  Last year I went for the monthly challenge and this year I have gone with the weekly one, although it’s a struggle.

Other sources of inspiration are a monthly local writing group and helping to produce a programme for a radio station is another source of inspiration.   There are a host of bloggers featured on my blog who keep me going with their tips and news of competitions (Patsy Collins http://patsy-collins.blogspot.co.uk to name but one )and the facebook page Writers’ Office.

My friends and family spur me on but don’t always respect the slots in the day I choose two write.  If I’m at the dentist our having my hair done, they know I’m not available, but if I am ‘just writing’ they consider me fair game to devote  my time.  That sounds as if I don’t want to lunch/shop/go for a walk/spend time with them!


Thursday, 25 April 2013

V is for View

I'm always saying (to whoever will listen)," just look at the view!".  In fact my young granddaughter said to me, "Are we at the view yet?" and "when will we be in the view?"

I think it's the wow factor that grabs me.  That and the fact that the view is ever changing.

 A seascape

 A skyscape

 a landscape

What is your favourite view?

Wednesday, 24 April 2013

U is for Ulrome

Ulrome is a small village on the East Yorkshire coast which shrinks year by year as coastline erosion takes its course.

 Coastguard Cottages

At the entrance to the village is a triangle which we call duck island as that is where they like to hang out near the village pond.
 'Duck Island'

 The village pond

To the side, you will find one of the two churches, which was one of 16 projects shortlisted for the finals of the English Heritage Angel Awards, backed by Andrew Lloyd Webber, in October last year.

The size of the congregation at St Andrews is currently just ten; up to a couple of years ago it remained unused as the building had fallen into such disrepair.   This small group managed to raise sufficient funds and carry out maintenance work to reopen the building.



 The churchyard

With farm land on one side and cottages on the other, Ulrome is an attractive place. 

The main street has now become a  dead end as the road linking it with the next village has now crumbled away and won't be replaced.  When the bus reaches here it has to turn round.

 The Beach

Just love it!

Tuesday, 23 April 2013

T is for Thirsk

Thirsk is a market town in the Vale of York, Yorkshire.  With its cobbled square, big clock and olde worlde  shops and cafes, it’s as picturesque as they come.

Home to the author  of James Herriot; is house and surgery has now been converted into the 'World of James Herriot' interactive Museum.

Thirsk was also the birthplace of the Thomas Lord, the founder of Lords Cricket ground.


Well worth a visit!

Monday, 22 April 2013

S is for Shells and Stones

I am a bit of a beach comber.  What I look for are interesting shells and stones which I display, paint or use for decorations.
I copied this idea from Pinterest.  The actual example came from Pottery Barn, but I found this beautiful carved jewellery box in a charity shop and filled it with shells and stones.

 I am always on the look out for fossils and I'm partial to a bit of driftwood too, but my husband draws the line at that although I do sneak some small pieces into the garden.

Saturday, 20 April 2013

R is for Roundhay Park

We are lucky to have this park, one of the biggest in Europe, within walking distance.

With its 700 acres of parkland, lakes, woodland and gardens, cafes, sports arena and children’s play areas there is something for everyone.

Roundhay Park was originally a hunting park for the De Lacy family during the thirteenth century.  Ilbert De Lacy was granted the estate by William the Conqueror in return for his loyal support of the King during his military campaigns and in 1871 Sir John Barran, the then Mayor, acquired the estate for the people of Leeds

The park looks attractive in every season and everyone has their favourite walks and pastimes, whether it be fishing, kite flying, jogging or playing football.


Day trip to Cleethorpes

  After all the recent fog, it was great to see some sunshine. I was pleasantly surprised by this seaside town which is situated on the Humb...