Tuesday, 29 December 2015

Reflecting on 2015

Roundhay Park

Reflecting on the past year gives me just as much pleasure as planning for the year ahead.
Here are some of my new experiences from 2015:
I joined a new writing group, have continued to write short stories and articles which have been published online and which I have presented on local radio.  I managed my first story in print and won a book token for my first ever book review of “Finding Mr Goldman” which I read out at the launch.  

Family and friends play a significant part in my life and I think it important to mark occasions with a celebration whether it be a birthday, holiday or just a time we can get together.  
We have welcomed one great nephew and two great nieces this year and attended a same-sex wedding of a woman who has been a friend of mine since our first day at primary school.

Gardening brings me much enjoyment.   I am still volunteering at the community allotment and we held a successful garden party to raise funds for it.  My granddaughter offered my services to both her school and Brownie pack to teach them a lesson on gardening.

Gardens I visited for the first time this year included Felley Priory, Burnby Hall, Clumber Park, Ellicar Gardens and Nowell nursery.  However, Breezy Knees, Harlow Carr and my local park, Roundhay, remain firm favourites.
I was privileged once again to see some delightful areas in East Yorkshire when judging for Yorkshire in Bloom in Spring and Summer.

I visited Lincoln with my sisters for our annual weekend away, included a walk round Bolam Lake on our yearly trip to Northumberland.

As well as spending a great deal of time at the coast where we have a caravan, we visited Whitby, Ravenscar, St Anne’s and Blackpool when my son and his family came over from Sweden and finished the year with a week in the sun at Lanzarote with my daughter and family. 

Other “firsts for me” this year were having one of my photos included in a Swedish calendar,  indulged in a thermal spa with massage jets, whirlpools, waterfalls and steam rooms (photos not available) and completed a shadow frame with a coastal theme.

There are still many items left on my “to do” list which I wish to fulfill.
I would be interested to know what new and exciting things you have done during this year and your hopes and dreams for 2016.


  1. It was a pleasure to read your blog throughout 2015, allowing me to visit such wonderful gardens and parks and learning about your activities!
    Congratulations on the many "firsts" - may 2016 bring many more, and always good ones.

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  2. I hope 2016 is even better and you get to do some of the things on your list.

    This year has included a fair amount of writing and travelling - hope to do much more of both next year.

  3. Congratulations on your publications. Here's to many more in 2016. Happy new year.

  4. Wow! What a great year, you've done loads of good stuff. Have a fabulous 2016, and keep going with the writing too.


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