Saturday, 24 March 2018

Spring Forward

Although the weather has not been very spring-like lately, Winter is officially over and it’s time to put our clocks forward in the UK.  The clock in my car doesn’t change itself and that’s always a challenge.

A second full Moon, known as a “Blue Moon”, will be seen on 31 March 2018..   This full Blue Moon is also known as the “Paschal Blue Moon” and it has a special connection to Easter/Passover. The last time there was a Paschal Blue Moon was Wednesday, 31 March 1999. According to religious rules, the first Sunday after the Paschal Moon is usually designated as Easter Sunday, as will indeed be the case this year (Easter falls on April 1st).  The new moon nearest the vernal equinox is the first day of the Hebrew month Nissan. Then comes the Paschal (full) moon, also known as the Paschal Term, which may fall on the 14th or 15th of Nissan, which also marks Pesach, or Passover.

Every year I experience a child-like delight on seeing the emerging leaves on the trees and the plants pushing through the soil. 

 Lots of frog activity and now frogspawn in the pond

 The magnolia, forsythia and bluebells always herald the season for me.  It’s also the time for spring cleaning but, after pegging out the washing, I always get side-tracked by more tempting tasks to do in the garden.  However, Passover is an ideal opportunity to clear out the kitchen cupboards.

 Spring is also the time that we return to our caravan at the coast

It’s also the time for open gardens under the National Garden Scheme.  First on the list for me is the Himalayan Garden at Grewelthorpe, North Yorkshire which is at its best in Spring and Autumn.
Happy holidays to all.
What signifies Spring for you?

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