Wednesday, 15 August 2012

Summer continues .....

 "A life without love is like a year without summer."
- Swedish Proverb

Sunshine at last
Had a wonderful family holiday in Spain and Portugal, an area we have visited many times before.   Photos really don’t capture the experience, but we have our memories.
Until a suspension bridge was built between, Portugal and Spain over the river Guadiana when Portugal hosted the UEFA Cup in 1992, this part of Costa de la Luz was quite secluded and is even now, compared to other resorts.  This means that we have easy access to Monte Gordo, Tavira and Olhao in the Eastern Algarve as well as the Spanish resorts.  There is a 1 hour time difference. 
 a spit of sand makes a natural harbour
A spit of sand forms a natural harbour and fish are plentiful as they are trapped at low tide

 Views from the balcony of our apartment

We stay in Isla Canela, almost an island but attached to the mainland by a series of canals.  Here there is a beach resort, a harbour and a golf course; what more could you possibly want?

 The nearest town is Ayamonte, where Team GB sprinters practised.  The alternative route to Portugal from using the bridge is the passenger/car ferry which sails from Ayamonte to Vila Real de San António, in Eastern Algarve. 
Vila Real de San António, in Eastern Algarve.   


 Monte Gordo

 The suspension bridge joining the two countries

This walkway and cycle path lined with palm trees and wrought iron benches in front of our apartment skirted the beach.  It stretched to Isla Canela Playa on one side and Punta del Moral, the harbour, on the other.  We exercised here every morning when it was like rush hour with joggers, roller bladers, power walkers and cyclists.

 The uncultivated vegetation

Barriada Canela is a fishing neighbourhood between Ayamonte and Isla Canela; very Spanish and picturesque.  In July every year sailors parade the streets with a statue of their patron saint Virgin de Carmen on their shoulders from the Chapel and into the water.

Our regular team met up for another quiz, this time with a Hawaiian theme.  We won a prize again; for our answers not our outfits!

 Steve (L) the barman who organises the events and Val (R)

5K Fun Run
Very proud of my daughter and friends who trained hard and completed the race with good times.They were running for SANDS 
Well done ladies!

Jonathan Kellerman’s Billy Straight; good psychological thrille
Martina Cole’s Two Women about a dysfunctional family in London’s East End
Barbara Zitver The JM Barrie Ladies’ Swimming Society for the feel good factor
Strangely, I find that the details, such as title and author, of literature read from the Kindle is more difficult to recall than in the paper version.
Some outstanding short stories are available for download to Kindle or PC, mine included.  (see and  but check out this author on her website for an excellent read:

Had short story published, submitted another which has been accepted plus two pieces read out on local radio.  This is the seventh month of the Write 1 Submit 1 challenge.  
Olympics.  Nothing else on.  The closing ceremony was amazing; showing London in a good light; such a contrast to the riots of a year ago.


  1. Glad you enjoyed your holiday.

  2. Wow, that looks amazing! I wanna go now LOL Of course, it might help if I spoke more than three words of Spanish...

    Also, I wanted to congratulate you on reaching your W1S1 goals for the month.

    ~ Rhonda Parrish

  3. Congratulations on making your Write1Sub1 goal. And even more on getting a story published. Keep it up.

  4. Very nice photos; glad to hear that you had such a nice trip. I hope that at some point we're able to do some traveling like that of our own! :)

    Congrats on meeting your Write1/Sub1 goal for the month and good luck with your writing in the upcoming month.

  5. Congrats on reaching your W1S1 goals! And wonderful pictures--I think I said this before, but you really have an eye for photography. :)

  6. Congrats on getting your W1S1 goals for August.

    And i second the comments on the wonderful photos and how lovely a holiday it looked like!

  7. Thanks for sharing the photos -- and way to go on meeting and beating your August Write1Sub1 goals!


Day trip to Cleethorpes

  After all the recent fog, it was great to see some sunshine. I was pleasantly surprised by this seaside town which is situated on the Humb...