Tuesday, 26 April 2011

In like a lion, out like a lamb - describing the month of March in the poem by Lorie Hill

Took advantage of the fine weather to revisit Harlow Carr, but observed little change from the last visit apart from the rhododendrons which were stunning.

 A scaled sculpture of the north face of the Eiger (I think) behind me!

We bought some lupins and nepeta in the shop.

Went to shul, being the nearest shabbat to my mother's yahreszeit.  I'm sure she would appreciate it.  The men had made chollent for the congregation and it was absolutely delicious.  Must get that recipe.  I bet few had room for lunch when they got home.

On Sunday we went to the wedding of Madeleine and Stephen in Manchester.  Really enjoyable; convivial atmosphere and fantastic food.

Judged the village of Upper Hopton and the town of Holmfirth for Yorkshire in Bloom.  Made to feel most welcome and saw some interesting gardens and colourful displays.

Spent some time at the coast.  Walked to Barmston and back over the cliffs.

 pill box from ww2

 Barmston Drain

 Peacock at Park Rose Pottery, Carnaby

Returned minus grandkids and stopped off at Thirsk on the way as Ronnie had read the biography of  'James Herriot'.  Thirsk is also the birthplace of founder of Lords cricket club; hadn't realised it was a surname!

We have now erected and planted up the raised beds at our coastal garden.

Some pursue happiness, others create it. ~Author Unknown.  Although not always the most upbeat of people, I do consider that there is truth in this saying!

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