Monday, 30 December 2013

..... and so 2013 comes to an end

As I arrive at the end of twenty thirteen
And review tasks done and places I’ve seen,
I count my blessings.

Parties to celebrate something or nothing
Birthdays, marriages and a baby naming,
As I count my blessings.

The loss of those close to us is hard to endure
But being part of my life was indeed an honour,
So, I count my blessings

May the year ahead bring good health and challenges new,
Have you decided on the things that you want to do?
While counting your blessings.

I feel fortunate to have celebrated many events and achieved many ‘firsts for me’ this year; baking bread, going live on local radio, completing the A-Z blogging challenge and the Write1Sub1 weekly challenge and working on an allotment to mention a few.
 I have a several projects in mind for the coming year; making ice cream, continuing the W1S1 weekly challenge and appearing at a literary festival being some of them. 
Fellow blogger Maria at First Draft Cafe gave me the idea of A Jar Full of Happiness where you put a note of all your achievements and red letter days in a jar throughout the year and open them on New Year’s Eve.  I use a virtual memory box at the moment but I’m considering a jar, or even a box to put invitations, photos and tickets to help me remember the good times.

Wishing you all good health and happiness for 2014



Advent stories

  I t's that time of the year again when Loren hosts    annual tradition of writers sharing small, spooky Advent stories at    https://i...