Monday, 12 July 2021

Renewed experiences

I should think most of us are once more experiencing events that were denied us since the start of the pandemic.  On line communication has served its purpose and I would still prefer AGM’s and other meetings to be done on line for their swiftness, but it can't replace the real thing.


We are now able to resume our monthly radio programme, The Deli,  at the recording studio.  While we have been away the newly acquired property next door to the original renovated chapel has been refurbished Virtual Tour – Chapel FM

Gardening club

Our gardening group, Friday Forum, has met up again in each other’s gardens which has been delightful, with the added bonus of cake.

Friday Forum


Against all my protests and threats to leave home, we have acquired a very mischievous puppy called Freddie.  He wasn’t being looked after by the owner so we removed him early and had to feed him with a syringe.  Freddie has now doubled in size, chewed everything in sight but now sleeps though the night.  He was supposed to be a mix of French Bull Dog and Shih Tzu (Bullshit?) but I don't think so!

Freddie at 6 weeks

Freddie at 12 weeks

Walking Tennis

After not lifting a tennis racquet for decades, I have taken a course of walking tennis at a local club.  It does not entail, as my son questioned, passing a balloon over the net, but uses less pressurised balls which are allowed to bounce twice.

Walking Tennis | LTA will tell you more about it.  The lessons were free and funded by Sports England so they may be running courses near you.

Nisa Nashim

Our local branch of Jewish and Muslim women were able to meet up again face-to-face and plan our events for this year.

I still haven’t managed to meet up with family abroad and hope it won’t be much longer.

I may even go clothes shopping this week, to replace items chewed to bits by the puppy.  I have received both vaccinations but I shall probably continue to wear a mask indoors.

What new or renewed activities have you been doing and how do you feel about resuming your former life?

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