Saturday, 11 May 2019

Six on Saturday Mid-May

As always, wonderful to see what everyone is up to this week.
Here are my six:
Number One:  Years ago, I grew these Aqualegia William Guinness from seed.  Prettier when they look up in the sunshine.
 Number Two:  Three different types of Strawberry and Nasturtium in a hanging basket
 Number Three:  These cheap and cheerful Pansies have graced my front step since October.
 Number Four:  These Forget-Me_Knots cleverly self seeded in a redundant trough although when I attempt to establish them in a certain spot they don't oblige. 
 Number Five:  (My neighbour's) Ceanothus

 Number Six:  I love this Potentilla shrub but it's really woody at the base.  Dare I prune it hard in Autumn or Spring?

The Propagator generously hosts Six on Saturday.  Click on the link to his blog to see what he and his followers are growing and doing in their gardens this week.



  1. If its any indication...I chopped my back, and it went very plenty of material for cuttings....Here is my contribution this week:

  2. Pansies are such hard working flowers. Go well in any garden, & yours are sunshine faces.

  3. Pretty columbine flowers Linda, lovely.


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