Saturday, 7 July 2018

Six on Saturday 7 July 2018

Although we have the worst drought since 1976, some flowers and shrubs and bravely plodding on.
Here are my six on Saturday; the first four are in the flag colours of England and Sweden as we have family members in both.
 Paul's Scarlet (for which I was placed third in our gardening club show)
 A reliable daisy with blooms much smaller that usual this year
 Hyndrangea Bluebird, a smaller variety of shrub
 The common Alchemilla Mollis (Lady's Mantle) flowering its heart out
 My new mint called and smells like After Eight although I was told it can be eaten any time and great on icecream.
 The clematis seems to like this weather

To see lots more Six on Saturday at The Propagator who hosts this thread.  Why not add six of your own or comment on what you see?


  1. Mmmmh! Mint that smells of After Eight... I have seen varieties with a choccy note here, but never bought it.

  2. Lovely flowers in your garden despite the heat and lack of rain.


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