Wednesday, 22 October 2014

Reading and Writing

Our local writing group and radio studios have now been re-housed in a renovated chapel which is now a wonderful dedicated arts venue.  See for more photos.

At the official launch this month our radio programme went out live but this time, a first for us, in front of an audience.

Other performers included a storyteller, poets and musicians.

The chapel, or ChapELFM as it is known, is a great place which encourages both young and the more mature to get involved with reading, writing, performing, producing as well as on the technical side using the state-of-the-art equipment.  It’s all very exciting after meeting in a back room at a local library and an office above a parade of shops where noise frequently caused problems when recording

This month I was able to meet a Facebook writing buddy, Leigh Russell, when she came to a book signing of her latest novel,  Race to Death, at the local Waterstones.

I have had a couple of short stories accepted this month, one at CafeLit

I am currently doing a free on-line Open University course Introduction to Journalism which is time consuming but most interesting and useful.  They have an amazing range of courses available.  Check them out at


  1. The chapel looks like a great venue.

  2. Congratulations! On both - the short stories as well as the new venue being officially in use now.

  3. It looks like an amazing venue! I love all the photos.
    Congratulations on the acceptances.
    Those Future Learn courses are great aren't they. I'm starting another next week, Exploring our oceans x

    1. Thanks for your comment, Teresa. Enjoy your course.


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