Monday, 30 January 2023

The wise gardener anticipates June in January (Anon)

Am I the only one scouring the garden daily for signs of new growth? We had days of heavy rain followed by a cold snap but just now the weather is dryer with strong winds. I shouldn’t complain about the rain as last year I lost more plants in the summer drought than I did in the winter frosts.


Acanthus mollis

Flowering Blackcurrant


Oriental Poppy and Oxalis

Allium Purple Sensation

Calendula seedlings

I’m looking forward to the soil warming up to carry out the edits I want to make and plant up around the refurbished pond. I hope the frogs will recognise the spot when they return in February.

Which plants are you looking forward to peeping through ?

Day trip to Cleethorpes

  After all the recent fog, it was great to see some sunshine. I was pleasantly surprised by this seaside town which is situated on the Humb...